ALLEGANY WEEK: Sunday 9/29 through October 6th, 2024
SUNDAY September 29th, 2024: Maggie and I left my house at 10:35. On the way down to ASP, we made 3 wrong turns, so it took 4 hours to get to Salamanca, which is normally a ninety-minute drive. But considering we spent close to an hour at KROLICK's (where we had chicken and rib dinners for our lunch) we did not lose a whole lot of time. When we got to Salamanca we had hoped to get wood at the supermarket, but they did not have any bundled. We tried the place where Cindi, Mary and I got wood a few years ago (Adirondack something or other) but they were closed for the day. When we got into the park, we stopped first at the Red House Administration Bldg. to get a map and then we drove down to Quaker. I registered us and got the key, and we found Parallel 15. We liked it!!! We got unpacked and settled and then sat outside for a while before a light supper of sandwiches and chips. We made a list of items we need to purchase when we go back to Salaman...