
Showing posts from September, 2024

Canada Trip September 15-20th, 2024

 SUNDAY: I slept pretty good, after taking 2 Tylenol PM.  I drove to Barker to meet up with Marlene and the others.  Got loaded onto the bus and we were given goody bags and we got name tags and itineraries.  First stop Waterloo at the OUTLET MALL, where we used restrooms,  Next stop Salmon Run Mall in Watertown, NY  We got food at Mexican place called ELgran Patron.  I had two chicken tacos and rice, and then we continued on.  Getting through the border was quick and easy which gave us extra time.  Our driver knew of a nice spot to take an extra break.  A group picture was taken and Marlene and I went into the General Store/Gift Shop.  I purchased a kids size cone raspberry sorbet.  Supper was at BUSTER's in Kanata, Ontario was very good.  Got to know Laurie and Art and Shirley and Sharon a bit.  Then to hotel which is in Gatineau, Quebec City, Quebec. The Parliament Building which we drove by is beautiful. I had a hard time getting onto wifi and had to get help and then I had to

Week of Sunday September 8th through Saturday September 14, 2024 (new password info)

 SUNDAY:  I got up a bit earlier than usual today because I had things to do to get ready for the COUSINS GATHERING later on here at my house.  Church was very good.  I went to DOLLAR TREE and purchased three bags of ice before going home.  When I got home, I started setting the backyard up with chairs and tables and filled my good cooler with ice and drinks.  Gail arrived first and Peggy and David arrived a few minutes later. Then Mike arrived.  He gave us the sad news that his wife Janie was just diagnosed with breast cancer, after a routine mammogram, a second mammogram and then a biopsy.  He said it was caught very early and Janie seems to be accepting the news pretty well.   David set up his grill in the garage and I brought the meat out.  He seemed disappointed that I only provided FOUR (very large) hot Italian sausage.  I suggested we cut them in half, but he did not seem to want to do that.  He cooked both the hot and mild Italian sausage and one package of ZWEIGLES hot dogs.