ALLEGANY WEEK: Sunday 9/29 through October 6th, 2024

SUNDAY September 29th, 2024:  Maggie and I left my house at 10:35. On the way down to ASP, we made 3 wrong turns, so it took 4 hours to get to Salamanca, which is normally a ninety-minute drive.   But considering we spent close to an hour at KROLICK's (where we had chicken and rib dinners for our lunch) we did not lose a whole lot of time.  When we got to Salamanca we had hoped to get wood at the supermarket, but they did not have any bundled.  We tried the place where Cindi, Mary and I got wood a few years ago (Adirondack something or other) but they were closed for the day. When we got into the park, we stopped first at the Red House Administration Bldg. to get a map and then we drove down to Quaker.  I registered us and got the key, and we found Parallel 15.  We liked it!!! We got unpacked and settled and then sat outside for a while before a light supper of sandwiches and chips. We made a list of items we need to purchase when we go back to Salamanca tomorrow for wood and gas. We played two games of Yahtzee in the evening.   Maggie went to bed at eight p.m.  and I puttered around, hung clothing up, got myself more organized, etc. until about 9:30 when I went to bed.    I don't think I took any pictures today.

MONDAY September 30th,   I think I got up around eight fifteen and after eating breakfast, I collected some twigs to use for kindling.  I woke Maggie up at 9:30 because I was concerned.  No problem, she slept great due to being exhausted.  Unfortunately, Maggie accidentally locked us out of the cottage.  We walked over to our neighbors at cottage 14 and they (Diane and Paul from Williamsville) helped us.  Paul drove us to the Quaker office where we reported our problem.  They could not find a key, so they made a phone call and sent us back to the cottage to wait for someone to come and let us in.  The first time the two guys arrived, they had the wrong key, so they left and returned with the right key. Hurrah!!! Then we went to Salamanca to get gas, wood, and a few items at Dollar Tree.  Then we went to McDonalds to use their Wi-Fi.  Maggie got her favorite cheeseburger with extra pickles and extra onions.  and I got a Dr, Pepper, and we both checked our email (at least I think that is what Maggie was doing).  Then I started to get hungry, so I purchased a burger like Maggie's.  After we got back to the park, we went to the Stone Tower,


and walked the Butterfly Meadow Trail. 

We drove on ASP 2 to get back to our cottage where we prepared a late lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken with rice soup.  We decided to rest a little and go back out later.  I read my book andI think Maggie worked in her new WORD SEARCH book.  After a while I said to Maggie "I don't think either one of us really wants to go back out" and she pretty much agreed.  I started to build a fire while Maggie worked on preparing supper which I think was ribs prepared ribs in her Forman grill.  We ate outside while sitting at the picnic table behind the fire which was going well.

  I toasted a couple of marshmallows.  We played a couple of games of BANANAGRAMS.  At one point, (just for the fun of it) we switched sides, and each took over the other player's grid. 

TUESDAY October 1st, 2024:  Neither one of us slept well.  After a late breakfast, we set out for Thunder Rocks. 

We had cell service there, so Maggie called her daughter and her friend, Kat, and straightened out a couple of issues.  I retrieved messages from my home phone, and we collected branches to use for kindling.   Maggie wanted to go to the covered bridge, so we went, and she took several pictures.  We sat on a bench and enjoyed the view of the island in Red House Lake.  We drove back to Quaker on ASP 1 and stopped at the Tornado Site. 

We took a short hike there. 

We returned to Parallel but first we parked where we could walk a short distance to the old incinerator. 

Then we returned to our cottage and had lunch and then took naps.  When we got up, we drove down to Quaker Lake to the spot where there is cell phone coverage, and I called Cindi to make sure everything will go as planned tomorrow and to tell her that Maggie decided to stay an extra night.  We tried to make a fire, but were not very successful, but I was able to toast a couple of marshmallows.  For our supper (which was very late) we had chicken, potato salad and canned zucchini with tomatoes.  We played SEQUENCE in the evening before going to bed at eleven p.m.  This was Maggie's first time playing this game and she did very well.

WEDNESDAY October 2nd, 2024: Maggie moved her stuff from the bedroom out to one of the futons in the living room area.  We took a drive down to Quaker Lake so she could make a phone call.  We walked on the bike trail for a bit.  Cindi and Karen arrived in mid-afternoon and brought our supper:  DeFlippo's spaghetti sauce and meatballs and Maggie had made a very nice salad.  The four of us enjoyed this delicious supper together.  This picture shows Maggie and Cindi looking at a map, in order to figure out the best route for Maggie to take driving back to Lockport tomorrow.  

Karen and Cindi preparing supper. 

  The four of us played one of Karen's games:  PLAY NINE. 

THURSDAY October 3rd, 2024: We hung around the cottage all morning until it was lunch time.  We had Karen's split pea soup (delicious) and chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.   Then we drove in two cars (Cindi and Karen in Cindi's car and Maggie and I in Maggie's car) first to the small Red House Store where Maggie found a T-shirt and then to a spot that Cindi wanted to show to Maggie, since it would be the easiest and quickest way for Maggie to leave the park.  We stopped here to touch bases here:  

The last time I saw SWEET WATER SPRING, it was behind scaffolding, so I was happy to be able to take a picture of it without scaffolding.  After we saw Maggie off, we backtracked to go to the Stone Tower.  After that we went to the Red House Administration Building where we used the bathrooms and checked out the menu for the restaurant upstairs.  We saw the poster for the event AUTUMN IN ALLEGANY 

and we decided to register for the watercolor painting at 1:30 on Saturday. This was rather difficult to accomplish, but a worker at one of the registration counters helped.  After that we went to Thunder Rock.  Then we returned to our cottage in order to get ready to go to the casino in Salamanca for the buffet. After we parked, we were blessed when a shuttle appeared and took us to the entrance to the buffet. We enjoyed the buffet, especially the prime rib.  Then we returned to our cottage.  Cindi did not have any luck getting a fire going, due to damp wood.  We played a few games of BIG BOGGLE in the evening. Cindi is really good at this game.

FRIDAY October 4th, 2024:  After breakfast, Karen showed me the exercises she does every day at home, and I followed along.  The three of us (Karen, Cindi and I) worked on the new Bible study we will be starting in her Tuesday morning Life Group.  We had another batch of Karen's soup for lunch (I think it may have been beef barley) and sandwiches. Then Cindi and I drove to the WOLF CREEK area and found the sign for the trail to the Carnahan Cemetery. 

We walked the path all the way in, until it appeared that it ended, but we did not find the cemetery. We had to climb over this fallen tree on the way and also on the way out.

While we were gone, Karen set up the fire.  She told us that she learned how to build a fire when she was watching NAKED AND AFRAID.  We enjoyed it while it was still daylight.

and when we got back, she was sweeping the front porch of the cottage.  She said she had a really nice time alone at the cottage while we were gone.  She prepared chicken, potatoes and vegetables with gravy for supper.  It was really good.  We played games until bedtime.

SATURDAY October 5th, 2024:  We hung around the cottage until it was time to go to the water painting class (part of the Autumn in Allegany event. These two ladies were in charge.  

 The event went well, but my painting turned out awful.  Cindi (who took a minor in art in college) did very well.  After sitting outside in front of the Administration Building, we decided to drive on France Brook Road and see the beaver dam and maybe a beaver.  Cindi got directions from someone in the Admin. Building.  That someone confirmed that Cindi and I were on the right track when we walked the wide mowed path yesterday, when we hoped to find the Carnahan Cemetery.  We found France Brook Road (after accidentally driving into a group camp that was occupied).  We saw the dam, but no beavers.  There were several other people in the area.  

  Then we went back to our cottage and debate whether or not to go out for supper.  Cindi built a fire and started it before we left for Bradford, PA.  We had a nice supper at TOGI'S FAMILY RESTAURANT.  I had baked fish with coleslaw, mashed potatoes and garlic toast.  Everything was good except for the mashed potatoes, which I did not eat much of.  When we got back to the cottage, Cindi was able to revive the fire

and we sat outside for a while and toasted marshmallows before going inside and playing a game or two and then spending time getting our stuff organized and packed for our trip back to Lockport tomorrow.

SUNDAY October 6th, 2024:  We started packing the car as soon as we were done with breakfast.  I should say CINDI started packing HER car.  All I can say is I am so glad that I forgot to bring my picnic basket which had paper plates, cups and plastic silverware plus several small items of food, etc.  It never would have fit into Cindi's car. I think we left about ten a.m.  First we took the trash to the refuse station and then we drove up ASP 1 to get to the RED HOUSE SAWMILL

which is only open on Sundays between ten a.m. and one p.m.  Karen did not go in with Cindi and me.  We were not there very long, we walked through the mill fairly quickly and didn't read all of the available information on posters, etc.   I took several pictures

Then we headed on our way.  It wasn't long before Karen said she needed a bathroom stop and shortly after that we stopped at a small CROSBY'S, which had a nice bathroom.   I purchased two oatmeal/raisin cookies and Karen bought a slice of pizza.  We stopped for gas when we got back to Lockport.  I offered Cindi money and she refused, but I slipped a ten dollar bill under a couple of items on her front console.  They dropped me off first.  Shortly after they left, I realized that I did not have my bag of laundry, so I called Cindi and she said she had it and I went over to pick it up.  I stopped at PIZZA OVEN and got three slices of pizza before I went home.  I worked on this blog and putting pictures into my flickr account for the rest of the day.  I had Maggie's ribs, salt potatoes and the leftover zucchini with tomatoes for my late supper.  


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