
WEEK OF SUNDAY June 16 through Saturday June 22

 Sunday:  church Dollar Tree for paper cups and plates.  Pizza from Lil Caesers. home to do one last load of laundry, print out geocache info for the trip and places of interest.  Monday:drive to Penn Yan and met up with Leslie.  see notes Tuesday: Wednesday. Thursday:  drove to North Cohocton to go to the OLDE COUNTRY STORE AND MORE.  It is really neat!  I bought a bag of what we used to call PENNY CANDY, but it costs a lot more now.  Then we drove to Penn Yan and had lunch at SENECA FARMS.  Leslie and I both had chicken and waffles, but they use corn fritters instead.  There was very little chicken in mine, but TONS of syrup.  I hate most of it, along with my side of coleslaw.  Then we did parts of the KEUKA OUTLET TRAIL, saw some ruins of old mill buildings and found two geocaches.   FRIDAY:  I did NOT sleep well last night.  We got up a little before eight and had breakfast and then packed our stuff up and cleaned the cabin.  Left COUNTRY CHARM at 9:45.  I stopped in Batavia to get

WEEK OF JUNE 9 through June 15, 2024

 SUNDAY the 9th    Church was great this morning.  I hung onto every word of the sermon because it was SO interesting.  I offered the three small pie plates to Lisa and she took them.  She said that she had made me a strawberry rhubarb pie but forgot to bring it and would deliver it to me later on.  Glenda was not at church, due to having a cold.  Betty, Marlene and I went out for lunch at LaPorts.  I had a cup of beef barley soup and a hot dog.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  Lisa DID deliver the pie, and I had a slice, and it is very good.  I spent most of the day relaxing and resting up from the retreat.  I am not going to fully unpack since I will be leaving in eight days to go to meet up with Leslie in Middlesex.  I worked on getting addresses of various places and attractions MONDAY the 10th:  In the morning I made some calls in order to secure trip insurance for my September trip to Montreal and Quebec City.  I chose Allianz and paid with my credit card.  I met up with Ja

ONLY EVER GOOD 2024 Freedom Church Ladies Retreat: June 6-8, 2024

 THURSDAY June 6th:  I spent the better part of the day getting my stuff ready for the Ladies Retreat.  I showered and washed my hair in the morning, as well as doing a load of laundry in order to make sure my favorite items were clean and dry and unwrinkled.   We were responsible for bringing our own bedding and towels, etc.  I arrived at the church a couple of minutes before three p.m.  Peggy was kind of in charge of some of the carpooling, so last minute plans were made right there in the parking lot.  Unfortunately, one of the women riding with us forgot her sneakers.  She wanted to run home (Royalton) to get them, but then suggested that a quick stop at a DOLLAR GENERAL might suffice.  So, we stopped ate the brand-new DOLLAR GENERAL on the Transit and Kelly as well as some others went in to make purchases. I stayed in the van, so Peggy could keep it running and the a/c running, too.  Kelly was able to purchase the last pair of sneakers in her size and we were on our way.  Peggy dr

WEEK OF JUNE 2nd through June 8th, 2024

SUNDAY June 2nd:   I took Betty's mail over to her this morning before I went to church, since she called to tell me she was too tired from her Florida trip to go to church this morning.  The sermon was very good this morning.  After church, Glenda and I went to APPLEBEE'S for lunch.  We had one of the TWO FOR $25 specials, which worked out well, and was very economical.   The chicken was seasoned perfectly and not dry at all.  I brought some of my meal home with me.   MONDAY June 3rd:  I dropped off some paperwork at the Lockport DSS office and  I went to the library to return a book and pick one up before going to my chiropractic appointment.  Then I went to Aldi to get some juice, since I am tired of drinking iced tea all the time..  I went home for a bit.  Jan called when she was leaving Buffalo so I would know what time she would get to the Y, and I met her there.  We walked for a half or hour so, taking a break in the middle.  In the afternoon, Gail, Ben and Jacob arrive

WEEK OF MAY 26th 2024 through June 1st, 2024

 SUNDAY May 26th:  Church was somewhat different today.  Pastor Craig is out of town so the service was led by Michael Peacock and                             .   Three people gave their testimonies of what God has done for them and they were great.  After church, I met up with Marlene and Pam at LaPorts for lunch.  Jan came a bit later, but she did not eat.  I had blueberry pancakes and a half order of home fries.  After that we went down to the corner of Main and Pine Streets and set up our chairs, so we could watch the Memorial Day Parade, which was a day earlier this year.   MONDAY the 27th (Memorial Day)Jan and I met at the Y and walked for a while, before it closed at noon.  I picked up a pizza at MARK's and had some of that for lunch.  While it was being prepared, I went into the thrift shop next door.  I made a macaroni salad before taking a nap.  I called Betty in Florida, but she did not have time to talk, she was having a POOL PARTY! When I got up, I decided to empty out

WEEK of May 19th through May 25th, 2024

 May 19th SUNDAY:   Before going to church, I stopped at the convenience store on the corner of High and Transit and bought three bags of mulch.  Church was great!  After church, Louise, Glenda, Marlene, and Dee went to lunch at THE OLIVE LEAF.  I ordered the rack of ribs special which came with a salad, fries and vegetable.  The others looked at mine and said they wished they had ordered it.  It was a LOT of food and I brought some ribs and vegetables home with me.  When I got home, I laid down on the couch listening to something on youtube and I must have fallen asleep for a bit.  Joan arrived a few minutes before three thirty p.m. and we got the mulch out of the car and she started working on the front flower beds.  She did a great job and I paid her $35.  In the evening, I was on facebook and the FORSYTH TAVERN posted a list of basket raffle winners and I won something and so did Lori. May 20th Monday:  First thing today I cleaned and pared some carrots and sliced them and put them

Sunday May 12th through Saturday May 18th, 2024

 Church was very good this morning.                              Pastor Craig with his mother. Every mother was given a small gift (a book of devotions) as we left the sanctuary.    After church, I met up with Peggy and David at HONG KONG BUFFET for lunch, which was also very good.  Then I went to TOPS to get some PURE LEAF ICED TEA.  I relaxed for most of the rest of the day.  There is a new interview of Ayaan Hirsi Ali done by Ben Shapiro and I put it on TV, and fell asleep to it.  Jan called and woke me up.  She was given two old postcards in a picture frame (for Mothers Day) and when she took them out, she found that they were addressed to FRED NIETHE.  That must be my paternal grandfather.  She is going to show them to me tomorrow.   Megan called to wish me a Happy Mothers Day and we talked for a bit.   MONDAY:  Ben and I talked a bit this morning and agreed on an amount they will give me to cover their use of the household utilities for the time they stayed here.  They will be he