Heading Home from Michigan..................

I left a little before eight a.m.. I took a couple of pictures in Plainwell:

I topped off my gas tank south of Plainwell, and I left a painted rock someplace in Michigan, but I cannot recall where:  
  I drove south into the corner of Indiana, where I got mixed up and could not figure out how to get to I-90.  I finally gave up and headed into Ohio, where I was able to get onto it easily enough.  I saw this before I got on 90 (in Columbia, Ohio)
I got off of 90 for about a half an hour in order to look for a geocache.  I was surprised at the location (behind the office of a motel).  Now I have one cache find in Ohio.

At a SERVICE AREA on 90 in Ohio, I had lunch at a Hardee's.  I left two more rocks one if Ohio and one in Pennsylvania 

the entire time.  Going through Cleveland was a bit hairy, but not too bad.  

I was getting really tired and was glad to get closer to Erie.  I think I arrived at my lodging around 4:45 p.m.  They gave me the same room I had last week.


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