GRANT'S TOY FARM and more: Saturday July 21, 2018

I saw online that GRANT'S TOY FARM was having an OPEN HOUSE today.  I had wanted to go to Grant's since I first heard about it a year or two ago.  I located information and last night I called Pam and asked her if he was interested in going and she was.

BUT FIRST today, I had to go to the Community Garden.  I was the first person to arrive.  Dave arrived shortly after that.  I harvested some green beans, one onion, celery, some cherry tomatoes and some basil, and also one yellow squash.  I left most of that there to be distributed to food banks and took some cherry tomatoes home with me, along with a bit of basil.

Pam and I met up at my house and we headed out to Gasport.  Unfortunately, I had looked at last years poster online which said the event started at noon.  We arrived at 12:25 while they were setting up.  We decided to go to Miller's Bulk Food Store for lunch.  We shared a turkey sandwich
and a glazed donut, and then headed back to GRANT's.  When we arrived, the event was in full swing.  We went into the buildings and were very impressed the collection of John Deere items:

Another building had more John Deere stuff and some antique farm equipmet:
and there was a  lot to see outside, too.

including a few old cars:
They were selling hot dogs and other refreshments, but I did not want anything.  

After we saw everything, we headed back to Lockport.  It was still early afternoon, but the extreme heat was taking a lot out of me, so I just wanted to get home and get into my air conditioned apartment.


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