"Sprinkle" for Jessica and the Twins: July 22, 2918

A few weeks ago, Peggy scheduled a SPRINKLE, which is a shower for a Mom of a child who is not expecting or already has a newborn.  Jessica is the Mom of twin girls, whom she is raising alone.  One of the girls had a serious heart problem and Jessica went to New York City with the girls over a year ago for open heart surgery.  It was touch and go for a bit, but today both girls are doing well and they are gorgeous!  I think they turn two sometime this summer.

I met up with Peg at church early to start setting up for the SPRINKLE, and then I helped with the event itself. We had pizza, salad, baked beans and mac and cheese and cake.

The girls received MANY clothing items!  
I gave the each a bucket full of small items.  The sunglasses were a big hit.
It was a lot of fun and I think Jessica really appreciated the gifts and all the love!


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