This morning Peggy held a meeting for a committee she formed regarding her ministry to seniors which is known as CONNECT.  Gary Ruddy, Elaine______, Dee McDonnel and I are on the committee.

We discussed several things.  I presented the idea of our cousin Becky giving her presentation at one of the CONNECT luncheons.  It went over well.  I asked Peggy if she needs help with "visitation" and she more or less said that she was hoping I would offer.  We set up a tentative schedule of every other month events for next year, and talked about the upcoming Christmas luncheon.

After the meeting I went to the Y and walked the track for a while, did the recumbent bike for a while, and then tried out a couple machines.  I saw my "trainer" Dominic and talked with him a bit, and asked if I could start over and have two training sessions instead of the four shorter meetings with a trainer that he and I started last week.  He agreed and set me up with Ed for next Friday at nine a.m.

I went to Wendy's for lunch, came home and took a nap.

I had totally forgotten about Lynn Squires TASTEFULLY SIMPLE party tonight, until I happened to see a message pop up on facebook a few minutes after six p.m. (the party started at seven p.m.).  I got ready to go but decided I needed a small chocolate custard come from JoJo's before going.  So I did that and then went to the party.  
There were  a lot of prepared items to sample including a great soup, lots of dips and an apple desert.
I had a nice time, and ordered several items.


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