Final MOTION......Church and Dinner at Pam's: November 11, 2018

We had our final MOTION meeting this morning.  We were supposed to choose an area in which we can work in the future.  I chose the MEALS MINISTRY.  Laura Viglioti explained this ministry to us.   There were only a few of us there, and it sounds like a HUGE commitment, and I am not sure I am up to it since I already participate in a lot of helpful activities at Faith Tab, as well as at CARENET...……….and I just volunteered to do "visitation" with seniors...…………..sigh...……………….plus I just joined the Y and I feel that is a necessity...…………….I will talk it over with Peggy.  She heads up the MEALS ministry !

MOTION ended early, so I made it a point to connect with some of the seniors.  Delores Zinck, Bens great grandma and a woman named Loretta that I don't think I have ever met before, even though she has been going to Faith Tab for over thirty years!!!   I encouraged her to come to the next CONNECT luncheon.

Pam called me yesterday and asked me to come to her place for Sunday dinner, and I agreed.  It was Pam, Betty, myself and Dee and Jim.  Pam had put a chuck roast in the oven early in the morning but it was not done in time...………….we had a lot of laughs over the "progressive" dinner...………..but really it turned out just fine!  Roast beef, mashed potatoes, carrots, corn, tossed salad and rolls and butter.  I provided brownies and ice cream for desert.  We all had a good time.

I know that Pam hopes that we will all do the same...……….provide an after church meal, but right now I have an awful lot on my plate with the Y, Thanksgiving coming and company coming, and all my other activities...………….but I am thinking about doing pizza at my house possibly next Sunday. (I have a buy one pizza get one free coupon for PIZZA HUT)………………...we shall see...…….


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