Sunday, November 4th, 2018

This morning was the third session of MOTION.  It was very good.  Church was very good, also.  After church, I asked Pam if she wanted to go to Wendy's for a cheap lunch and she agreed.  Then when I ran into Marlene in the lobby, I asked her to join us.  She agreed, and she showed me a flier about a volunteer appreciation dinner for COMPEER that is coming up and she asked me to go with her, and I agreed.  Before leaving church, I picked up the turkey which I will prepare on Tuesday morning.

While Pam, Marlene and I were having lunch we saw Dee and Jim come in.  I motioned for them to join us.  Sitting at the table next to us was Joe Fotia who is a Eucharistic Pastor at All Saints. (I hope he did not hear the bulk of our conversation about the pedophile scandal in the R.C. Church).  He introduced himself and we all chatted for a while.  He is a neighbor of Vicky and Ron Grout.

Peg and David had invited me over for Sunday dinner at four p.m.  David had prepared a roast chicken, gravy and stuffing.  It was delicious!  They went over the instructions for caring for Petra, which I will do when they are away.


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