Betty and I were planning to go to the Y to walk on the track, but I remembered this poster
The sun was shining and the sky was blue, so I thought it might be a good day to go walk this trail.  I called Betty and she agreed to go.  She picked me up late in the morning.  Unfortunately, she did not like my directions and we went a different way and wasted about 45 minutes driving all the way out to Lewiston and then heading to Wilson...………..a very circular route.  

However, we did find ERWAY's easily enough. We were disappointed to find that there was a five dollars per person charge to walk the trail, since that was not mentioned on Facebook, where I found he poster. I had ten dollars cash in my pocket, and when I asked for a seniors price, the woman at the gate said eight dollars was enough.  

The trail was short and easy to walk.
  We saw several deer along the way.

  The lodge is also very interesting with many displays, here are some pictures I took in the lodge.

By time we left, it was lunchtime.  We decided to head back to Lockport and have a quick, cheap lunch at Reid's.   They were busy!   We ate our food in the car.
It was good.  Then we went to JoJo's for ice cream.  It was a great half day trip!

I went home and took a shower and tried to nap. Later on Lynn and Kevin Squires picked me up and then we picked Betty up and we all went to SEAN PATRICKS for the Imagine Community Garden Christmas party.   It was great!!!!!   Here are some pictures.
 Sean Patricks was beautifully decorated for Christmas.

 Each garden member was given a poinsettia.  I gave mine to Betty.
 Kevin, Lynn, Betty, Vicky and Ron, just before leaving.


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