Overdoing it at the Y: 12/12/18

Before going to the Y, I went to the Salvation Army, Aldi's and The Dollar Tree.   I arrived at the Y a little bit before time for ZUMBA GOLD to start so I used the FAT GUT machine a bit and I walked around the track three times.

I ran into Betty and we went to the ZUMBA GOLD class together.  We managed to stick with it for the full 45 minutes, but most of the time I was out of step or doing it wrong.  It was fun anyways.  Then I went to SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUIT for a 45 minute class, and then met up with Betty for a bit, before we both decided to go to SILVER SNEAKERS STABILITY together.  This is a half hour class designed to help with balance.

Then we went to Mark's for a slice of pizza.   Once home, I did a few things, including starting a load of laundry and then I took a nap.   Later on, I made up dill/spinach dip and cut up a loaf of pumpernickel bread to take to Cayuga Day Hab tomorrow.   I momentarily thought about going back to the Y for a Zumba Christmas Party (after the reminder popped up on Facebook) but decided I really do not want to go back out today.


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