1/23/19 at the Y and out with Betty and Louise

I got in the pool early for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH.  Pam, Elaine and Sarah came a bit later.  Sarah reminded me of our plans to go to BINGO this coming Friday at the Dale Association.  I left the pool a few minutes early because I needed to use the bathroom.   After my shower, I met up with Louise and Betty upstairs and we walked on the track for a while and Louise and I both used the recumbent bike for ten minutes and I used the Sci Fit machine for five minutes.

Then we went into the small gym and played "pickle in the middle" and Betty showed us a couple of exercises using the small balls.

Then Betty drove us out to Amherst to OLIVE GARDEN where I treated both Betty and Louise to lunch.  We all had the unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks.  Everything was very good.   Then Betty dropped me off at the Y where I had left my car.


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