Y and Dollar Dinner: January 9th, 2019

After my appointment with my ENT, I hurried over to the Y hoping to be in time for SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC.    I was on time, but the instructor (someone new) started a few minutes early.  She did not know that it is a 45 minute class, so she stopped at the half hour mark.  That was fine with me, since I was NOT enjoying it much.  I went upstairs and walked the track a few times and used the fat belly machine, fat thighs machine as well as the back stretch machine.  I then went downstairs for SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUT, but I changed my mind and left.

I went  to the SALVATION ARMY and found a great black swimsuit which should fit me fine if I can lose five or six pounds, and a nice bright pink sporty top to wear over it.   I came home and rested and made a few phone calls.

Elaine picked me up and we stopped by to get Betty and we went to the First Presbyterian Church
for the DOLLAR DINNER.  It was very good:  salad, ham, pineapple stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes and roasted white potatoes.  Chocolate mousse and cookies for desert.

The Pastor gave a brief Bible study after the meal, about the Hebrew language.  It was quite interesting.


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