
  Church was great this morning.  I was especially happy when my new friend, Sarah came, bringing her friend Sue along.  They are both signed up to go to the Pizza, Pastry and Painting event next Sunday.  The sermon was really good this morning.

After church, I met up with Betty at Wendy's where I had a baked potato, and she had a b. potato along with a chicken sandwich.

Then we went to the Y.  Betty stayed a half an hour, I stayed a full hour and walked and used five machines.  I got back to using the fat thigh machine, the fat belly machine and the stretch your back machine after not using them for a few weeks, due to a slight pain in my left side that I thought might
have been caused by overdoing it on those machines.  I only used each of those machine for a very short time today.  I did ten minutes on the IMPRECOR (not the real name) and five or six minutes on the Sci-Fit.


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