ART IN THE HALLS: July 27, 2019

Pam wanted to go to the Palace to see SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL at two p.m. today.  I invited Dee, Marlene and Betty to join us, but that did not work out.  Pam and I agreed to meet at WIDEWATERS for lunch before going to the Palace.  I arrived there a few minutes early in order to take pictures of the nature trail that Betty and I explored the other evening.   This is outside the trail.
                                  This is the "trailhead"
The trail is very well maintained.
 Just beyond the trailhead, there are several birdhouses in an area to the left.
                 The sun was right in my eyes so I thought I was snapping a picture of another birdhouse, but I guess I wasn't.

Pam joined me inside Widewaters.  I had a burger, fries and a regular sized loganberry drink.
We left separately, agreeing to meet at The Palace.  When I arrived, Pam was leaving the box office and she said she had the wrong day.   I suggested we go to the Presbyterian Home for ART IN THE HALLS.  When we arrived, we were given these booklets which outlined the areas where the paintings and photographs were and had information about the artists.  I think we were there for
close to an hour, walking the halls, taking breaks in areas with chairs (because it was kind of warm in the home) and talking to some of the residents that we passed.  

Then we went to JoJo's for ice cream.  I had a marshmallow sundae with WHITE LIGHTNING ice cream, and it was very good.  When I got home, Peggy was still at my place and I helped her with a few things before she left.  Then MA called with a problem and I helped her to sort it out (I think).

I used the rest of the afternoon to get caught up on POLDARK and WENTWORTH.


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