Monday and Tuesday July 22 and 23rd, 2019

Yesterday I went to the Y in the a.m. for Silver Sneakers Splash and then I picked MA up and we went to lunch at TOMS DINER and then we sat a bit in the gazebo at ALTRO PARK for a bit before going to Dr. Zima for her appointment.  We also stopped at her house and talked with Rita and Kevin for a bit, they were on their way to take a load of bags of junk to the dump on Heath Street.

Today we met up for breakfast at her hotel and then headed to Roswell.  She had blood drawn and then went to chemo on the floor above.  Her chemo treatment only takes a half hour but there are lots of periods of waiting for the next procedure to take place.  I think we left Roswell a little before one p.m.  MA wanted to stop at THE TWISTED PICKLE
which is right around the corner from Roswell, so we did.  It is kind of a dive, both inside and out,
but the service and food are good.  We were able to sit outside at a picnic table and have our sandwiches.  I had the REUBEN, which the guy at the counter recommended.
While we were eating, I noticed an interesting building a block away that was huge and had many windows cemented over.  I noticed that people were coming and going out of the front of the building.  I walked down to take a look and found that the front of the huge building (which may have been a church in its former life) is a deli or convenience store. 

A little further down on the same street, I saw this old church.  
 built in 1875.
Then we headed towards Paula's Donuts.  We accidentally passed the one on Sheridan so we continued on and went to the one in Clarence.  Then back to Lockport.  MA suggested going to a movie, but I told her I would probably fall asleep.  


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