ONE SONG Concert

I went to Y, then picked MA up and we went to Appleby's for lunch.  I went home and rested up.  Picked her back up at 3:30 and we met up with Kevin and Rita at the house.  Pies came and delivered the couch and mattress and springs.  Then I took MA back to her hotel.  Went home and called Peg and suggested THE SUGAR SHACK instead of COUSINS.  I met her and Aunt Jane there at 5:30 p.m.  I dropped Jane off at her house and noticed that MA had left her BB product in my back seat so I went over to the BW and gave it to her.  Met up with Betty and the others
at First Pres for

OneSong Concert in Lockport, NY


 Vintage Americana with NYS Country Music Hall of Fame members Ron & Nancy OneSong, accompanied by Jim Hardy on upright bass.


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