8/27/19 PIXLEY FALLS, LYONS FALLS and more!

Leslie and I drove to PIXLEY FALLS STATE PARK. (well, she drove since I drove yesterday). We first found a geocache behind the office down this trail: 
and then did some hiking in the area of the falls.

The trails are nice, but rough in some spots.  The falls are beautiful (there are more than one). 

 Then we headed up towards LYONS FALLS. Along the way we stopped to get a geocache here. 

  On the way to Lyons Falls, we found ourselves in the Village of Turin, where we saw a couple of abandoned places.  I think this was THE VILLAGE CAFE. 

In Lyons Falls, we found a path to a place to see the
old paper mill which is being torn down.

  We went to a
nice Farmers Market in a park, where we had a picnic lunch, and
shopped (I bought a strawberry rhubarb pie from an Amish fellow  for only six dollars).
and picked up a few free books.  At the FM, we found
out about the local history museums being open, (we just happened to be in Lyons Falls on the right day) so we went to both of them.   First:  THE STORMS-BAILEY HOME MUSEUM

Where we were given directions to another museum which is actually in the same building as a barber shop.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the outside.  The building also had a pharmacy and there are many remnants from those days.
The pharmaceutical items seem to be the main part of the museum.

Mary was thrilled to have two "customers", her first since she started her volunteer position a few weeks ago.
  We finally found AGER FALLS (after driving down the wrong side of the river, down a very poor road).  I think Mary gave us good directions.  We parked and  walked down to an area
where we viewed the falls,

and then took a hiking trail to some  ruins that were right across the road from where we found a geocache.  

and these structures nearby, which must have been concession stands.  
Then we headed back towards Rome. I think we arrived at the cabin
around five p.m.  We rested a bit and then drove to Rome to have
supper at Sam'z Sweets and Treats.   I had sausage and peppers and onions
and sweet potato fries.

Back at camp, I called Peg to wish her a Happy Birthday and then Leslie and I  walked around a bit, and then played BANANAGRAMS.  Leslie is VERY good at this game, which was new to her, since she is a BOGGLE champion!   I thought I was good at this game, but she showed me that I really am not.


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