August 28, 2019 in Rome

Woke up to heavy rain.   I think this was the morning that we noticed an adorable little chipmunk running around the inside of the cabin.  We shooed him out the back door and hoped that he would not remember how he got in.

Because of the rain, we had to come up with a plan to do things inside.  First we went to the ROME HISTORY MUSEUM.
  The curator of the museum gave us vague directions to FORT STANWIX and suggested that we check to see if the church next door was unlocked.  St. Mary's and St. Peters was open and we went inside.

We drove around in a couple of circles before finding a place to park for the fort.  We ended up parking along the street very close to the museum and church.  It was kind of "misting" rain most of the time at the fort.  

By the time we left the fort, it was raining a bit harder.  We attempted to find the mall that has several theatres (according to someone I spoke with in the camp office).  We did find it but it turned out to be a strip mall, not a real mall, and drove by the posters of the movies offered, but nothing appealed to us.  HOWEVER, there was a Chinese Buffet  KING"S BUFFET so we had a nice lunch there.  Reasonable price and lots of choices.  I was surprised to see quesidillas, I tried one and did not like it.  
We were back at the cabin fairly early.   I guess we skipped supper after all that food at the buffet (it was mid afternoon when we arrived).  We watched the movie TRUE GRIT and played BANANAGRAMS.  Leslie excelled but I won one game.    


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