Friday 1/10/2020

I slept in a bit this morning and then puttered around the house for a while. I called Peg and asked her if she wanted to have supper with me and she said yes, so I thawed out some homemade bean soup and got the ingredients out for corn bread.

 I was just getting ready to take a shower when Betty called and asked if I wanted to go to the hospital for their fish either for lunch or supper.  I told her I would go for lunch since Peg was coming for supper.

I picked Betty up and we went to the hospital for lunch.  The fish, as usual, was very good.

Peg arrived at 6:20 and supper was ready.  After supper we went to "the bonfire" at FREEDOM NORTH.  There was a small group of people there, I would say about 20.

After the bonfire, when we went out to Peg's car, it was totally dead and had to be jumped before she could take me home.


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