January 14 and 15, 2020

Yesterday, I attended the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group.  When the group finished up, Betty, Cindi and I decided to have lunch at THE FIELDSTONE.  I was hoping that they had the French onion soup with salad bar, and they did.  It was one of the Monday specials.  So I ordered that.  It was very good, and came with fresh baked bread.

Today, I had two medical appointments:  ENT and a follow up with Dr. Hodge who did my colonoscopy on 1/3.   The colonoscopy did not show anything.  Between the two medical appointments I went to the Y and walked on the track.  I ran into Sarah B. there and we talked for a bit.   She is in a lot of pain due to her hip, which will be replaced soon.

In the evening, Betty and I went to the Royalton Center Methodist Church for their spaghetti dinner.  We met up with Becky there.  The meal was very good.    Becky and I talked about going to find her great great great grandfathers grave site in Clymer, New York which is  south of Buffalo and west of Jamestown, in an Amish area.  I think we will go the last week of April or first week of May.


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