WOMEN OF FAITH New Year Celebration Breakfast and More 1/11/20

This morning was the January WOMEN OF FAITH breakfast at the FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER.  It was the NEW YEARS CELEBRATION breakfast.  This breakfast is offered once a month and I attended two of them in 2019.  I asked Betty and Pam and Myrna to join me, and we met up with Vicky and Louise there.  I sat next to a woman named Joan Meyer, who I had probably met before.  We got to know each other somewhat and exchanged phone numbers.  I told her about some of the events at the Y that she had not heard about.

Here is a group picture of "my squad"  lol.  From left to right, Louise, Myrna, Betty, Vicky and Pam.

 In this picture Pastor Saundra is explaining the MUSICAL GIFTS game.

 The woman with the scarf won the door prize and was showing it to some of the others.
Pastor Saundra passed these around, it is the "motto" for the group.
Pam won the BIBLE NAME GAME and got a nice prize 

Pastor Saundra told the story of when she was kidnapped when she was eleven years old.  It is an amazing story.  

When I got home, Peggy and David had been working on sorting through stuff from the attic, and also on adding two sensors to my alarm system.  David added a second lock to Carrie's bedroom door.  

Peggy asked me if I could help her for about a half hour at FREEDOM SOUTH Church, because she was heading up a funeral dinner.  I agreed and met her there at 1:30.  It turned out that she needed more than a half hours help, so I stayed until four p.m.  I washed a few of the dishes before leaving.  I was able to bring home some food.  

It was a great Saturday and even better when I got home and saw that ION TV was having a LAW AND ORDER SUV marathon.  


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