Feb. 24, 2020 Senior Social and Travel Meeting at the Dale

This morning the Y had their monthly senior social.  I invited Pam, Jan, Marlene, Betty, Elaine, Louise and Sarah.  Pam had to work, Marlene and Betty had a Life Group to attend and Elaine said she has a busy week ahead.  Louise said she would be there, but she did not show up.  Sarah and Jan met me there.  I had also invited an older fellow named Frank, who I have spoken to before (he has the most beautiful Buffalo plaid shirt and I always tell him that I want it) and he came.  It was the usual crowd with one or two new people.  We did not do any introductions, so I do not know their names.

We divided into two groups:  Rummikub and Euchre.  Most everyone wanted to play Euchre.  I do not know how to play so I joined Susan's Rummikub group.  It was Sarah, Jan, Susan and I, but Sarah left after the first game in order to play Euchre.   Here is the EUCHRE table:
   I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play Rummikub.  Susan won two games and I won one.    I left at 12:40 to go to the Dale for the monthly travel meeting.

I met up with Marlene at the Dale.  There were a lot of people at the meeting.  It looks like Marlene and I will be going on  the Quebec/Montreal trip in July.  Next month, a guy from WENDT TRAVEL will be at the meeting, showing slides and answering questions about upcoming trips.

I dropped off some books at the library and picked up a quart of WonTon Soup at the Chinese take out place on Main Street before going home.


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