February 5, 6, and 7th at home

The 5th was a bad day, I felt awful all day

The 6th (Thursday) was much better.  I had a couple of phone calls from Oneonta friends.  Connie and Linda.  Linda told me that her friend, Pat Fisher had passed away.  I remembered that Connie knew Pat, too, so I called her and gave her the bad news.  I had met Pat, and helped her with picking up a prescription once, but I had not really known her.

 I was disappointed today to wake up and feel worse than yesterday.  I spent a good portion of the day on the living room couch reading NOBODY'S  CHILD.  It is an excellent memoir.  I wrote a review on GOODREADS.
I felt better later on in the afternoon and went out and shoveled the front sidewalk.  Just as I was finishing up, a young boy came by and offered to help.  I took his name and phone number and I hope that he will be available in the future.  

I took a nap and then got up and decided to make "HAND PIES" using leftover pie crust from Christmas.  They turned out fine, but I was just not hungry.  

Brandon from Screwy Louie's called me and I set up reservations for Leslie and I to stay there in July.
I emailed Leslie with the information.  

Most likely I will not go to the Ladies Brunch at the Family Worship Center tomorrow.


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