Out and About with Betty on February 22, 2020

Betty and I thought that today was going to be a good day for hiking.  So we made plans to go hiking after a FREE CLOTHING GIVEAWAY at Latter Rain Cathedral.  She picked me up and we went to LRC.  I found several items but Betty did not find any.

We went back to my house to use the bathroom and to decide where to go.  We decided on Nature View Park in Amherst.  We found it, but there was a barrier or gate across the entrance to the trail.  At least we think it was a trail, it was snow covered.  Now we know how to get there, and we will go again in good weather.

Our back up plan was to go to Amherst State Park so we headed there. We found it easily enough and parked and entered the park.  We walked on a paved trail for a little bit, but it was too cold and windy to go very far.  The park is adjacent to the former Saint Mary of the Angels Convent, which is now being used for apartments for seniors.  The huge old building is magnificent, but it is so huge that I could not find a good spot to get a picture of the whole thing.

There is a small shrine on the property. 
By this time we were cold AND hungry.  I called TWO FORKS UP and got a recording that they would not be open for a few hours,  so we decided to go to OLIVE GARDEN on 78, near Eastern Hills Mall.  I had the ZOODLES, which is noodles made from zucchini with lots of vegetables and chicken.   Since I ate so much salad, I took most of my entrée home.  

We decided to go to the mall and walk around.  We went into the BFLO Store, which offers all sorts o items having to do with Buffalo.  

We also went to J.C. Penney's where I found a very nice tote, it looks and feels like leather but I doubt if it is.  The original price was sixty five dollars, but it was on clearance and I was able to use Betty's discount card and got it for a little more than ten dollars.  

I told Betty that one more stop would make it a wonderful day:  Paula's Donuts.  We were very close to it.  We each got a donut and Betty got coffee to go.  Then we  returned to Lockport.  We stopped at Peg's house so I could take care of Petra.  


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