Todays Newspaper   
Last night around nine p.m., Betty called me and told me she needed to go to the Lockport hospital to meet Liz (her son in laws sister) who was going there by ambulance.  She asked me if I would ride along with her and I said yes.  She picked me up and we headed towards the hospital.  While driving there, her phone rang and she was told that the ambulance was taking Liz to Buffalo General Hospital.  Betty told whoever was on the phone (either Liz's mother or brother) that she could not drive to Buffalo so late at night but would go up in the morning (which was today 3/16).

She picked me up a little after nine a.m. today and we headed to Buffalo.  We parked at Roswell and walked over to Buffalo General and found Liz on the 15th floor.  She developed difficulty breathing a couple of days ago, and has been told that she has pneumonia. I deliberately did not sit or stand close to Liz because of my concerns about the virus.   Shortly after we arrived, Governor Cuomo was on TV with updates regarding dealing with the corona virus.  He talked about closing all restaurants except for take out, and a lot of other possible scenarios.   We visited Liz for a few hours, including a walk back to Roswell to pick up some brushes from the speech therapist that  Liz needs to clean her surgical site.  I think we left Buffalo General at about 2:15.

By the time we left Buffalo General, we were both hungry so we debated about what to do about lunch.  We decided on the OLIVE GARDEN on the boulevard for a late lunch.  There were only a few people there.  I asked our server if the restaurant was going to be forced to close and she told us that they would close at eight p.m. for an indefinite period of time.  All of the servers were being "laid off" but cooks and others would stay on and prepare take out meals. Before leaving, I asked for a take out menu.

On the way back to Lockport, I asked Betty if we could stop at DOLLAR TREE, so I could get some toothpaste.  She agreed and we stopped.  While there, I noticed that the paper good section (TP, napkins, tissues and paper towels) was wiped out.  I picked up a few other items that I thought I might need.

Pam, Louise, Marlene and I were supposed to go to the REGAL tomorrow to see the movie about Saint Patrick, but it appears that the theatres are closed.   I called Pam and Louise and told them that our plans are cancelled.


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