March 27th

I did not go to sleep until around three a.m. this morning because of finishing reading this book.  I did not even feel tired and I don't think I had a real nap yesterday.  Anyways, I finished reading it and it was so good.  Then I was awake at eight thirty.  ugh
This morning I decided to make a meatloaf and roasted potato wedges for lunch.  The meat loaf turned out great!   In the afternoon, I took a nap and I think I slept for 90 minutes.  I woke up feeling better.

I met up with Marlene at the ROYALTON RAVINE and we took a nice (but muddy) walk on one of the trails.  Marlene knows her way around.  

I stopped at the TOPS at the Y (I think it is referred to as the Rochester Road Tops.  I found some toilet paper, tissues and paper towels for Mary Anne and picked up some groceries for myself.

I called MA and told her I was on the way with some paper products.  As I pulled up in front of her house, a woman was walking down Maple Street and as MA came out onto her porch, they started talking.  The woman offered to help MA with rides to medical appointments and MA told her about her upcoming appointment for chemo at Roswell.  The woman offered to take her and MA agreed.  After the woman left, I asked who she was and MA said her name is PAULA _Falsioni.

Kevin called me later on and he is upset because Paula plans to take MA to Buffalo for her chemo.  It is obvious that he does not like her and thinks she is nosy.  


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