Weekend of March 21 and March 22, 2020 Online Church and Outing with Marlene

YESTERDAY  (the 21st) I went over to pick up Mary Anne's mail, and I dropped a few masks and gloves off to Peggy.  I went to Rite Aide to get my prescription.  I braved going into DOLLAR TREE, where I found a few wipes (not the surface wipes I was hoping to find) and I got a small bottle of Clorox.  Spent the rest of the day at home.

TODAY:  I spoke with both Marlene and Peggy before ten a.m. hoping to help them both access FREEDOM SOUTH's online broadcast.  Peggy was able to watch it on her phone via facebook, but Marlene could not watch it since she does not have FB.  Apparently, the website crashed because of so many hopeful participants!    The service was very good.

I talked with Kevin on the phone and he agreed to go to Buffalo to pick Mary Anne up when she gets released from Buffalo General, either tomorrow or Tuesday.  He and his wife, Rita, are going to go to MA's house tomorrow and clean and straighten up.

Marlene and Betty and I agreed to an afternoon walk, but Betty said it was too cold for her, so I met up with Marlene across from Widewaters and we decided to drive a bit further on Market Street and park and then walk back towards Widewaters.  There were several people walking.  We had a great time together for close to two full hours, but we were not walking all of that time.  We sat a few times for a few minutes each time and stood and talked and looked at things a couple of times.  After we parted, I decided to drive around the downtown area and take a few pictures.   This first one is of ART 247 (at least I think that is the right name.  We parked across the street from this huge art gallery which is inside an old factory, I think it was WESTERN BLOCK.
Cornerstone Arena is closed and the parking lot is mostly empty.
                                         Sign on the library door.
The parking lot at the new Y is usually full, not today.
This fairly new coffee shop (Lock Tenders Coffee) is OPEN FOR TAKEOUT.  I am  thinking they may serve other items besides coffee.  I have never been inside.
I was able to stop driving in the middle of the block and take this picture of the front of the Palace Theatre.
I came home and took the garbage out.  There was a phone message from Becky.  I tried to call Aunt Jane, but she did not answer, and it appears that her answering machine is FULL of messages.  


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