April 16, 2020

Had FREEDOM GROUP on zoom this morning.  It was a full group and it went very well.  I went through a pile of old magazines, cutting out a few recipes, so that I can get rid of the magaines.   .

I watched two movies THE BOOKSHOP and MOLL FLANDERS.  I loved MOLL FLANDERS.

Talked with Peggy a couple of time on the phone.   She told me that the FREEDOM CONFERENCE is postpone until June and the LADIES GETAWAY has been cancelled.   I emailed Leslie.  Betty called to tell me that she got her twelve hundred dollar stimulus money along with her social security direct deposit.

At seven p.m. I joined the FREEDOM CHURCH PRAYER MEETING on zoom.

Kevin called around eight thirty, concerned that Mary Anne's car is gone and it looks like she is not home.  I suggested he look in the garage.  He did and the car is in there.  I suggested that he use his key to go into her house.  He and Rita went in and she was not there.  I called Paula and found out that MA went into Roswell this afternoon, at least for one night.  I think she said that MA needs a platelet infusion.  She said that MA does not have her phone charger with her and her phone is almost dead, so she won't be making a lot of phone calls.  I called Kevin back and told him.  I messaged Bianca on FB and told her.  She said that when she talked to MA on Easter Sunday, MA told her that she had a nosebleed in the morning.


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