Beautiful Monday 4/27/20

I arranged with Peggy to drop off some oatmeal cookies and pick up two masks to take to Myrna.  I did that and then met up with Pam at Day Road Park where we had a nice walk. Some of the trees have decorations on them.

Pam told me about a new park and trail that she noticed and I asked her to lead me to it.  Turns out it is the LYTLE NATURE PRESERVE.    I stopped at Crosby's and got  two slices of pizza and a 20 ounce pop for six dollars and took it home and had it for lunch.  I was fortunate to arrive at the store a few seconds before they took the fresh hot pizza out of the oven!  

Mary Anne called while I was eating my lunch.  She has been told that they are concerned about the possibility of her having pneumonia so her surgery might be cancelled. 

I took a chance with eating pizza (because of the mozzarella cheese)  but so far so good (about seven hours later)

I picked out a new book to read about a nomadic family in Somalia.  I think I dozed off a bit.  Peggy called and Marlene called.   Elaine Edmister called looking for Peg, so I gave her Peggy's number.  Her husband Al fell and broke his hip and will probably have surgery tomorrow.  Betty called, she is feeling better and we might go for a walk tomorrow, out at Spring Lake Winery where there is a newly developed walking trail.  Peg called again and told me that Bev will have her hiatal hernia surgery on Friday. 


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