I decided to get rid of my pajamas and shower and get dressed for church, which was held online this morning.  It was very good,

Between church and meeting Betty at the Community Garden in order to watch the parade, I finished up most of my Easter cooking.

I met Betty at the garden and we watched the parade. Pam was supposed to meet us there but she did not show up.   This is our first view.

Here are David and Peggy
The parade was too short!!!    I went home and watched an episode of UNFORGOTTEN and then got back to cooking.  I baked the squash and the mac and cheese and it was ready when Peggy and David arrived.   I had a complete meal (minus the ham) packaged up for them.  They left a large chunk of ham here for me.  I packaged up a meal for Betty and took it over to her.

I had been so busy concentrating on putting food/meals together for Betty and Peg and David that I forgot to bake the small casserole of squash that I had set aside for myself, and I gave away all of the muffins I had made.    My dinner consisted of ham with raisin sauce, carrots and a bit of cornbread casserole that was left over from another meal.   It was delicious!  

I had planned to call Christa but after seeing the nasty posts she put on facebook about Christians and Easter, I just did not have the heart to call her.  She seems to have developed a real nasty streak.  

 After cleaning the kitchen, I got back to the business of watching UNFORGOTTEN for a bit but then I changed gears and rewatched the first episode of WORLD ON FIRE and then watched the second episode on TV.  I really like this series.  I was tired and went to bed earlier than usual.


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