SUNDAY: 4/26/20

I put some cabbage, onion and a pat of butter into my small crockpot so I could have it with the last piece of corned beef that Peggy and David gave me.

I watched FREEDOM CHURCH online service starting at ten a.m.  Unfortunately, Mary Anne called to tell me that she will be having surgery on Wednesday so I missed the announcements.  The sermon was great it was about being in the waiting room.  We were encouraged to WAIT WELL during this uncertain time.

I wrote letters to Judy and Linda.  I called Myrna and we talked for a half hour or so.   Myrna told me about the Methodist Church free drive through chili dinner on Wednesday at five thirty p.m.  

Bianca's niece Antoinette called around 1:45 and we talked for 45 minutes or so.  I had my lunch while we talked.   Corned beef with onion and cabbage, yellow squash, baked potato and banana bread (which I took out of the freezer).  I had half of a biscuit from KFC with melted chocolate peanut butter on top for desert.  I also talked to Paula a couple of times.

I laid down at three p.m. and put THE TRIAL on Netflix.  I dozed off in the middle of it, until Peggy called a few minute before five p.m.  I don't think I will continue with this series   She is setting up a social distancing lunch with the Christies (missionaries to Kenya) who are here on furlough.  Thursday after Freedom Group.

At five p.m. Craig and Ben had a watch party on Freedom Churches facebook page.

  People texted in questions and Craig and Ben answered or discussed them.  The theme is Hmmm......

One of the questions was "what is the difference between believing and faith?"  Connie called during this watch party so I missed most of it.  Connie said she saw on the news that six feet apart is not enough, that the virus can travel 30 feet in the air.

I called Carol K and we talked for a half hour or so.  Then I watched the fourth episode of WORLD ON FIRE.  I love this series.


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