Following President Trumps proclamation that churches could reopen, my churches staff threw away the plan they were working on to reopen gradually, in stages.  They decided to have a service today, but have it outside, with social distancing and masks enforced.  Our head pastor, Craig, drafted an explanation letter and mailed it to everyone who attends church.  In the letter, he seemed to be encouraging seniors to stay home for now.  I had decided not to go, but when I said that to Peggy, she encouraged me to go and to stay in my car.  So that is what I did.
In fact, here is a picture someone took of my car.  (the red car). It looks like I am in the process of getting out (which I did a couple of times in order to take pictures).
The parking lot seemed full, but drivers were leaving empty spaces between their car and the next.  Lots of people brought their own chairs and blankets and set them up on the lawn.  
The service was great.  It included worship, announcements and a great sermon.  
As you can see, there was a table set up with hand sanitizer and tissues.

When I got home from church I called Betty to see if she wanted to meet for lunch at the park and take a walk.  She was not interested.  I thought about calling around to  find someone else but then I remembered the GROCERY GIVEAWAY that I was going to help Peggy with later on today.  So, I decided to take a nap.

I met up with Dean and Peggy at the Gabriel Drive Apartments at 4:45 and we distributed full bags of groceries and some perishable items to anyone who wanted them.  

  Dean really enjoyed using the bullhorn.
    This was the last family we served on Gabriel Drive.
    After Gabriel Drive we drove to Michigan Ave. to give away the last bags.
Peggy and Dean declared this event to be a success.   I hope we can do it again.

When I got home, I decided to have another third of my pint of Hibbards chocolate custard, since it worked so well yesterday.    Then I watched the PBS show about Clarence Thomas.  It was basically him telling his story.  It was very good.


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