Friday, May 29th Widewaters!

There was a produce giveaway (FREE)  at Cornell Cooperative Extension this morning.  Twenty pounds of assorted produce on a first come/first serve basis, starting at ten a.m.  I drove out there shortly after ten a.m. but the line of cars was soooooo long, extending almost to the canal, so I decided to skip it.  I went to Niagara Produce and purchased a few items: a tomato, a yellow squash, a nectarine, some ham salad for sandwiches and some bananas.  It came to less than ten dollars.

When I got home, I noticed that the sun had come out so I felt like getting out and spending some time outdoors.  I called Betty, but she was in the middle of a project involving comforters and piles of receipts piled all over her living room.   I called Marlene and she agreed to meet me in the parking lot across from the restaurant at Widewaters.   I called Pam to see if she would like to join Marlene and I  and she was just arriving back at her apartment after picking up her box of vegetables.  She said her allergies are bothering her and she does not think she could walk for more than fifteen minutes.

Just before I left the house, one of the nurses at the surgical center where I had the endoscopy yesterday called to see how I was doing.

I was a few minutes late when I met up with Marlene and we walked north on Market Street on the east side of the street.  We crossed the street to read this sign
which is on this building. 
We also saw this under the bridge. 

As we were heading back to our cars, we noticed Ursula and James having lunch in the pavilion.  We joined them and visited for a while and talked about how FREEDOM CHURCH will reopen this coming Sunday but it will be outdoors in the back field.  They got their letter about it in the mail this morning.  

Marlene and I decided to have lunch at what used to be Widewaters, now it is this:  MARVINS AT WIDEWATERS!
Ursula had told us that the grilled ham and swiss on rye bread was very good, so I ordered that along with a small order of onion rings (which was not really small).  We also ran into Mary and Wayne who had ordered food online.  I invited them to have lunch with us, but they declined.
and I ordered a small loganberry drink.  I don't know how my onion rings cooled down to room temp while I crossed the road to get back to the picnic shelter, but there was no warmth in them at all.  Anyways, Marlene and I enjoyed our lunch (she had a coney island hot and fries).  While we were eating our lunch, it started to rain, but it was not heavy.  We agreed that we should meet for lunch like this at least once a week.

When I left, I decided to go out to Cooperative Extension and see if they had any more produce boxes left,  but they didn't.  A young girl was standing in the drizzling rain with a sign saying NO MORE BOXES.

I called Carrie's home in Lewiston and arranged for Peggy and I to visit Carrie tomorrow morning at eleven a.m.   Then I took a nap.

I called Mary Anne to see how she is doing.  Her in home services started this week and she is getting speech therapy and more right at home.  Her speech IS improving.  I presented her with the information about MEALS on WHEELS, but she is not interested.  I offered to pick up a meal for her at Widewaters some day this coming week, but she said no to that.

Peggy called while she was taking her evening walk.  She wants me to help out with the food distribution at Gabriel Drive on Sunday evening.  It will be me, her and Dean.  Most likely I will be adding handfuls of candy to bags for the people who have children.

I got an email from National Allergy saying that my order of masks has been shipped.


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