August 14, 2020

 Last night, when I was trying to get to sleep, I realized that I never got into the secret hiding place in Mary Anne's house that she told me about last summer.  So, I decided I would do that in the morning.  Before I went to her house, I dropped off a couple of items at the lawyers office.

The spot was full of jewelry and papers.  I decided to put everything in a bag and take it home to go through.  I think some of the jewelry is valuable, so I separated those items out.  I went through every piece of paper, but did not find the missing deed.   I had lunch at home and then headed to the house to meet up with the realtor that Paula recommended.  

Cindy loves the house and the apartment and she suggested that we ask $114,900 for the property.  We filled out numerous papers and she measured the rooms, but she wants to wait to take pictures until after the estate sale.  When she went down to the basement, she saw some water on the floor near the hot water heater.  After Cindy left, I realized that I had not gone through the bottom cabinet next to the refrigerator.  It was full of pieces of old fabric and old dish towels and stuff so I bagged all of that stuff up and put it in the trash.  Also in that cabinet were Mary Anne's mothers recipe books.  There were a lot of papers which I took home and sorted through and threw out, but no deed.  

I went home and had a carton of yogurt for supper and rested a bit.  I read an email from the lawyer and answered it and also talked to Kevin on the phone.  He agreed to meet me and John Urtel at the house at 7:30 and to check the hot water heater and turned the hot water off.  

When I arrived at 7:20, John, Rita and Kevin were already there.  They had already discussed various things about the garage.   I gave John a key and he and I decided on a spot in the house to keep the garage door opener.  He agreed to not sell the glass cabinet that Kevin wants, and I offered to pay for it.

They checked the hot water heater and found that it was the liquid from the air conditioner, not the hot water heater. 

When I got home, I called Betty and she and I met up and took a walk. 


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