Saturday, August 29th.

 Today is my granddaughters twentieth birthday!   Unbelievable.  She is such a smart, beautiful and hard working young lady.  Unfortunately, she is a flaming liberal.  Sigh.  I sent her birthday wishes on FB early this morning.  

This morning I went to Mary Anne's house and picked up her mail.  There were several letters or whatever from some of the charities she supported.  I wrote RETURN TO SENDER on the front of the envelope and indicated that she is deceased.  I doubt, though, that this will work, but I figured it was worth a try.

I met up with my sister Gail and a friend (Sheila) at Mary Anne's cottage this morning.  I was disappointed because Sheila was not really interested in looking at or buying any of the antique furniture, which is the reason I asked her if she wanted to come.  It seems that she only wanted to see the cottage, but she did spend ten dollars.  Gail, however, purchased two of the antiques, the bench and the antique table that was in the front room. She also took a couple of other items.  She called her son, Andrew, who brought his girlfriend and they purchased a couple of small items.  So, I think I went home with $120.  

Then I went back to Lockport to BEAR BOTTOM WHOLESALE and showed him the pictures I took after what I sold this morning was removed.  He kind of offered me a mere ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR, maybe TWO HUNDRED.  I think that is awfully low, but I am also thinking I maybe should just accept it.   Especially since I have already sold over six hundred dollars worth of furniture when I add in the five hundred dollars the new owners gave me for the beds, recliners, etc.   I need to let him know in a couple of days.  

After lunch, I went to Niagara Produce to get some cider, eggs and strawberries.  

In the evening, I called Cassandra to wish her a Happy Birthday and we talked for a while.  She will start her second year of college in a few weeks, sounds like it will all be online.   Also, she was promoted to assistant manager at her Starbucks where he has worked for about 14 months.  


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