Wednesday, August 26th

 It was kind of a hectic morning at home.  It seemed like everybody was calling at once and wanting a piece of me (an ESTATE piece).

The buyer of the cottage called and said his lawyer told him that the water should be turned on at the  cottage.  So, I tried to reach the Water Department at the Town of Newfane.  Nobody was answering, so i kept trying.  Eventually,someone called and we set a time for eleven a.m. on September 11th, the only day free between Jim Masters vacation and mine!

At the same time, I was trying to set up a time for Nick from BASIL to meet me at Mary Anne's house so he can look at the car. He said he needed a certified, notarized LETTERS TESTAMENTARY.   The ONE I have does not look like it is certified or notarized, so I had to contact Marianne Koenig.  She said Nick is confused about what he needs and agreed to leave me a copy in the DROP BOX.  

I then was reminded that I need to send a LETTERS TESTAMENTARY to Social Security.  All this was going on while I was needing a shower and also trying to get the rings together to take to George Boes.  I delivered them and later on he called and said altogether they are worth about three hundred dollars and he offered to pay that amount.  H reminded me that he wants to see the pocket watch, so I located that and I will take it to him when I pick up the rings tomorrow.

I had a three thirty appointment (I thought) to meet up with Bruce ________ at the cottage so he could look at the antiques.  I got there early in order to open windows.  I sat in one of the recliners and I dozed off.  Bruce did not show up and I finally left at about ten minutes past four p.m.  On the way home I stopped at the Newfane Farmers Market and bought a watermelon.  When I got home there was a message from Bruce indicating that he arrived at four thirty and waited a while for me.  I called him and we decided to meet at six forty five p.m.

I went over to Mary Anne's house to make sure the trash cans were returned to their spot.  I spoke with John about the possibility of him selling the car, and he said he can do it.  I told him if I do not get a good offer from BASIL, I will let him know right away and he will include the car in the sale.  He said he won't take 25 percent, but would take a commission like maybe four hundred dollars.  He wants me to provide a letter from Marianne Koenig authorizing me to sell the car.  

I was disappointed that he was not very interested in the antiques (although he pretty much did agree that I was right about them being antiques)   He did, however purchase the large chest and the large basket and a small vase.   

On the way home from Olcott the second time, I stopped at the SUBWAY in Wrights Corners and got a small tuna sub.

TOMORROW:  primary doc appt at nine thirty a.m.   Pick up rings and take pocket watch to George at noon.   Meet up with Peggy and Betty at Aquacates at one p.m. for Peggy's birthday lunch.  Also, mail the LETTER to Social Security.


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