Monday, September 14, 2020

I called Mike in the morning and we discussed the water leak problem.  He called Randy (the guy who put the new roof on).  Randy came and looked at the area that we think the dripping came through.  

 Leslie and I went to Rome to walk the Mohawk River Trail and find a few geocaches.  We walked most of one side of the river and then walked back, finding four geocaches along the way.  We saw the old abandoned ampitheatre and one cache was hidden by an old abandoned power house.

  I think the most interesting thing, though, is this: 

  After we got back to the car it was close to one p.m. so we had lunch right there at the car (crackers and cheese, grapes, and we split the small pie I bought at Millers on the way here). 

We then went to the STEUBEN STATE HISTORIC SITE where Baron von Steuben, is buried beneath this mammoth grave marker.  

and then found several geocaches in that area and in and around the Village of Remsen.    We cut our outing a bit short when I realized that I needed gas so we headed back to the cottage, stopping at the STEWARTS for gas.   

We prepared supper at the cottage, hot dogs and beans, watched  a little tv.  I went to bed early.


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