HALLOWEEN 2020 Adventure

 Peg picked me up a little after two p.m. so that we could go to Taylor and Reynolds Funeral Home for the "viewing" of our friend Geneva Johnson's brother, who passed away earlier this week.   We talked to Geneva for a few minutes and signed the guest book.  

Then we headed to Pendleton to look for a couple of geocaches.  We also attempted to see the Pendleton Castles, which we thought might be easier to see with most of the trees being bare, but we were not successful.  The first geocache we found was at a pet rescue place on Campbell Boulevard.  We went in and walked around and saw the cats before we looked for the geocache which was a pretty easy find.  We tried to find a cemetery which has a geocache hidden in it but I must have programmed the coordinates in wrong, since we could not find it.  We looked at one at the huge Key Bank on the transit, but did not find it.  We were successful in finding the one hidden in the parking lot at the New York Beer Project.  

We  decided to have lunch at MIGHTY TACO, and it turned out to be pretty good.  We both had a small FAJITA.   

Then we went to the entrance to the canal trail at the end of the Stevens Street Bridge and walked for a while.   I took a couple of pictures:  

When we got back to my house, Peg helped me move a very large piece of old lumber out to the curb to be picked up by MODERN this week.  

My sister in law Janie posted this picture of a tube her boys (Dominic and Dillon) made to deliver candy to trick or treaters.  

I rested most of the rest of the day and watched a couple of episodes of  THE QUEENS GAMBIT, a new Netflix limited series.    I called Myrna to see if I should save her a seat in church tomorrow and she said yes and she reminded me to turn my clocks back an hour.


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