Monday, October 26, 2020

 Still self quarantining after the Covid test, and still waiting to get a call from Beaumans regarding if they have a new tire for me. 

I talked to both Betty and Peggy on the phone this morning.  Peggy asked me to make a few phone calls to ladies in her Life Group, regarding the praying and fasting that we are doing on behalf of Diane F. who will be having surgery this coming Thursday.  I called Dee about today being her day to pray and fast,  and we talked for a bit.   I told her I will not be at the Tuesday morning Life Group tomorrow because of self quarantining.  

I decided to clean my bathroom, including mopping the floor.  While I was mopping, I took a phone call, from someone who greeted me with HI GRAMMA.  It did not sound like Tyler so I thought that I needed to verify that it was really him.  I asked him what he had been doing this morning and the fake grandson hung up.  I knew that Tyler had been in his bedroom doing AP Physics (that is a scary thought).    Obviously, the fellow on  the line did not know that, so he hung up.  I was a tiny bit shook up so I thought I should call my daughter and tell her what happened.  I talked to both her and Chris who  recognized this SCAM for what it is.  I guess I will call it the GRAMMA SCAN.    I posted a warning on Facebook, a warning to other grandparents, although I think most would realize that it was NOT their grandchild on the phone.  

I got a ton of mail today including the new BUFFALO PLAID tablecloth that I ordered.  It is larger than I expected it to be so I am hoping it will shrink in the dryer!    I separated my mail from Mary Anne's and got together a packet of items including some bills of Mary Anne's, some money for items I have sold and a correspondence from NYS Retirement which I do not understand,  to take to the lawyer.  When I opened up my credit card bills I saw that I was charged a monthly fee for the cell phone that I cancelled on 9/25, so I had to call and get that straightened out.  They will credit my credit card account.   

I had not heard from Beaumans by three p.m. so I decided to lay down for a bit, but to take my phone with me  They called a little bit before four p.m. and said they have a tire for me and I can get it put on Wednesday morning at ten a.m.  They will also do my inspection at the same time.  I called SUBARU and cancelled my eight a.m. Friday appointment!  

Betty went shopping (her all time favorite activity) and picked up some bananas for me and also went through the Rite Aid drive thru and picked up my Pantoprazole.  I gave her a container of homemade gluten free craisin cookies.  


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