November 18, 2020

 Today is the day that the final real estate closing on Mary Anne's house will take place!!!   I took the keys I have been using to the lawyers office and dropped them off in their "drop box".  A part of me was concerned that something would happen to prevent the closing from happening, but that was hardly likely.

I went to Aldi's to purchase a small turkey for Lydia Santiago.  She called the church the other day asking for information about who might be offering Thanksgiving baskets this year.  Peg tried to reach the Salvation Army since they are offering turkey dinners for pick up and delivery this year on Thanksgiving Day, but apparently they have not returned her call.  Peg wanted to buy her a small turkey, but none of the turkeys were small.  I noticed a package of TURKEY TENDERLOINS, so I picked up one of those and then purchased all of the items Lydia will need for her and her son to have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day. The turkey cutlets, a box of stuffing, a jar of cranberry sauce, cans of both creamed and whole corn, a can of yams, a jar of gravy,  rolls, and stuff to make a pumpkin pie, and a pound of margarine.    I think all of that stuff came to sixteen dollars.  NOT BAD!!!!!

Peg met me at Aldi's after I was done shopping.  We tried to reach Lydia by phone but she did not answer, so Peg took the bag of items.   Later on she called and said that she finally reached her and she will drop them off after work.  Peg told me that several people cancelled their attendance at the GATHER AND GIVE event tomorrow night at church.  When I got home, I started to call people to invite them.  Bonnie and Elaine are both busy tomorrow night.  Sheila and her sister might come, she will call me tomorrow after her medical appointment.  Crystal Cleri is coming and she might bring her daughter, Jennifer.  

I baked pumpkin cookies, using Leslie's recipe, and had lunch and then glazed the cookies.  I took  a container of Cowboy Bean Soup out of the freezer for my supper.  

I took a nap and got up a few minutes before five p.m. There were not any calls from the realtor lawyer so I guess the closing was completed and the house is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. White!!!!  What a weight off of my shoulders.  The only other things that need to be completed are final checks from Social Security and New York State Retirement Fund.  I have submitted all the necessary paperwork to both places. 


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