November 9th, 2020 Geocaching and More

 It was a gorgeous fall day and Betty and I decided to get OUT THERE and enjoy the nice weather.  I followed her to the Hartland Town Fire Hall, and we located the parking area for the  nature trail, which is behind it.

  We set off!   We were not too far along the trail when we found the geocache.

  We continued on.  I am not sure how far we walked but the trail was straight, flat and well maintained.  Then we came to a spot where we had to decide to go either left or right.  We chose right and walked down a bit before deciding we might be better off turning around and returning to the parking area since we did not know if we had started walking a short loop that would take us back to where we chose right, or to the road or whatever,.....?

After leaving Hartland we continued driving east on 104 and met up at MILLERS where we both purchased a sandwich.  I also purchased a bottle of Dr. Pepper and an apple fritter.  After leaving Millers we continued east on 104 until we got to the OTTER CREEK CEMETERY, where our plans were to have lunch and find the geocache hidden there.

I turned on my GPS and we headed towards the back of the cemetery, coming to a hill sloping steeply down to an area with some fallen trees and the creek.  I took one look at the way down and told Betty that I did not want to walk down that hill.  But she went down and started looking.  In the meantime, I had noticed a gravesite that had a very nice bench so I decided to set up our lunch.  I got my small table and one of my chairs out of my car along with our food and got things ready.

  Betty joined me and we enjoyed our sandwiches, etc.  Then Betty said she was going to go back down and FIND the geocache.  I suggested that she get her sneakers on instead of the flipflops she had on, but she refused and she headed down the hill while I started packing up our lunch mess.  Then I walked back to the top of the hill and for the first time I noticed the POSTED SIGN, which stated NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON.   I thought to myself, that my GPS must not be accurate because geocachers normally do not place caches beyond POSTED SIGNS.  So, I glanced around and found the geocache in a bush at the TOP of the hill.  I yelled to Betty "you are not ever going to speak to me again" and I told her that the cache was up the hill NOT down the hill.  She was not upset and she stayed down there a few minutes in order to walk over and look at the creek. (Otter Creek)

  She came up and we signed the cache and headed east on 104 again.

The next cache was at a rest area, and we found that, and south to Albion to look for three CHRISTMAS THEMED geocaches, and we found all three of them. 

This mural is around the corner from the first one:  We also stopped at a McD's where I got another Dr. Pepper.  I forgot to mention that I spilled most of my first one at Otter Creek Cemetery.

Our last planned stop was in Middleport to find a geocache in Rotary Park, but I must have put the coords in wrong since the arrow was pointing in the wrong direction.  So we decided to head for Lockport, and go to SCHWABS.  We did that, but did not make any purchases, and then we headed back to Lockport.  We were both pretty tired.


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