The woman who was going to bake a banana cream pie for Peggy had a death in the family, so Peggy said she was going to call her and cancel the pie.  I had  blackberry tart and a cherry pie in the upstairs freezer, so I took them out and baked them.  I also started apple cider carrots in my small crockpot.  I did a load of laundry.  

In the morning, I watched parts of the MACY's THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION and in the afternoon, I watched THE FREEDOM RIDERS again, but I fell asleep and missed part of it.  

Peg and David came over around three p.m.  David looked at my dryer, and also at my security alarm system.  He could not find anything wrong with the dryer and suggested that I call a repair person to see if it can be fixed.  We put new batteries in my three motion detectors, so now my alarm system is working again.  

They brought over turkey, stuffing and gravy and took home squash, cranberry sauce,  macaroni and cheese, devilled eggs, cherry pie, blackberry tart, brown and serve rolls, pumpkin bread  sweet potato and carrots.  ALSO, they brought banana cream pie since the woman was able to prepare it anyways.  

After they left, I had my Thanksgiving dinner.  Unfortunately, I was so intent on heating up the squash and mac and cheese for David and Peggy that I didn't put my own small casseroles in the oven.  So, I had turkey, stuffing and carrots for my Thanksgiving dinner.  A couple of hours later I had a piece of banana cream pie. I will have my macaroni and cheese and squash tomorrow.

I called Megan and talked to her and both of the kids.  Tyler does not have to wear the "boot" around the house, and Cassy's quarantine time is almost up and she feels fine.  Megan is off of work until December 5th because of being exposed to Cassandra. They had lasagna for their Thanksgiving dinner.  

I called Gail and we talked for a while.  Connie called and we talked for a while. She told me about how a guy in the trailer park shot her neighbors dog deliberately.    Her personal organizer, Karen, brought her a Thanksgiving lunch, mostly vegetables and she was waiting for her neighbor, Pauline, to call before bringing over a turkey dinner.  I am so glad that others are helping her out!

I watched the movie RUN on HULU.  It was not what I expected, but it was pretty good.  


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