TUESDAY, 11/24/20 Ladies Life Group

After I dropped something off at the lawyers office,  I went to the Ladies Life Group at Freedom Church.  I arrived early, so I helped Elaine set the chairs up, in a circle, six feet or so apart.  There were nine of us there.   We finished up a little late and they were talking about where to go for lunch, but I left.  I stopped at Ales Sandwiches and got one of their three dollar barbecue beef sandwiches and brought it home for lunch.

In the afternoon, I prepared devilled eggs and a huge pot of macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving dinner and took them upstairs.  I was really getting tired and collapsed in bed a little before three p.m. 

In the evening I talked to Becky on the phone.  She is leaving tomorrow for Pennsylvania to visit Scott and the kids.  


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