Update on 61 Millar Place (Mary Anne's house) and Windsong (11.17.20)

 The clock has been moving forward towards the closing on Mary Anne's house, so I have been attending to various details.  I reminded Kevin (via his wife's FB page) that the leaves at Mary Anne's house need raking.  I figured he would ignore me, but he did go over and do SOME raking, but not all.  So, I hired Candy's grandson Ben to complete the job, and he did.  

I checked to make sure both furnaces are working and they are.  (as of one p.m. today),  I took the rake and snow shovel home with me.  I had requested that they not be included in the estate sale, and John Urtel saved them for me.  

I ran into Paula over there yesterday and I asked her if she would accompany me into the house  and apartment  while I checked on things and she agreed.  We went down into the basement and I took a picture of the water meter.  Then we went over to the garage/apartment and did the same.  I offered her the vacuum cleaner in the apartment and she took it.   Later on in the day I met with the lawyer and signed a lot of papers.   

I dealt with the local water department and NYSEG regarding final readings.  I also had to deal with a credit card company after receiving a bill (with a small credit on it).  

Today I went over to see if Kevin had taken his car out of the garage and he has!!!!   I dropped off a check for Ben with Candy.  She told me that the artist at the Kenan Center tested positive for COVID, so she is off from work and waiting for test results.  

This morning I went to WINDSONG  and had my Dexa Scan and Mammogram.  I did not like the technician who did both.  She was very rushed and not at all friendly.  But, at least those two things are done.  

When I got home, there was a message from William at JB Computer that he was unable to repair my laptop, but my new laptop was all ready for me to pick up.  So I went and got it, and am using it now for the first time.  SO FAR SO GOOD.  

Pam called me in the evening and we talked for a while.  


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