MONDAY, January 25, 2021

 After breakfast, I started working on cleaning and organizing.  I have let things go for the past several months because nobody sees the inside of my house except me.   However, Peg and David are coming over Saturday night for turkey dinner, so I decided it is time to buckle down.

Sue Rouse and I played a bit of phone tag starting when I missed her phone call because I had the vacuum cleaner running.   Then Leslie called and we talked for ten minutes or so.  I am disappointed because her last email said she was willing to spend her stimulus money to go to Allegany State Park, but she only wants to go if there is an event taking place, like the geocaching event or the nature pilgrimage event.  Cottages are all booked up for those two events.  But now I am really wanting to go to ASP in the spring, so I might start asking around to see if someone else might want to accompany me. Or maybe not since I already have my five nights in October secured.

I called Pam to make sure she knows that Tuesday morning Life Group has resumed and that I hope she will come tomorrow.

When I checked the mail, there was something that needed to be delivered to the estate lawyer, so I decided to go out and take care of that since several inches of snow is expected tomorrow morning.  First I delivered a pile of newspapers to Elaine and she and I talked for a few minutes.  She has not had any luck scheduling a vaccination.  Then I dropped off a bag of clothing to the drop off box at LIFE ASSEMBLY CHURCH, and then I took a few items to the small food bank behind Emmanuel Methodist Church and then picked up two DVD/s at the library.  

Before my nap, I watched an episode of THE SISTER on hulu.

I like this British mystery/drama and will complete watching the four episode series.


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