Sunday, January 17th, 2021

 I did not sleep well at all last night.  

I arrived at church early and saved Myrna's favorite seat for her.  She, Betty and I had the last row on the right hand side to ourselves.  Craig spoke about SATAN'S TROPHY WALL, and showed us this trophy that his brother in law caught. 

 After lunch, I realized how exhausted I was so I laid down and I am pretty sure I slept at least a full hour (maybe more).

I spent the rest of the day at home.  I called Christa and wished her a Happy Birthday.  Later on, I was able to reach Dee, who is spending the winter with one of her daughters down south (I think Tennessee).

I spent a little bit of time looking at information about tourism in and around Hilton Head Island, in preparation for my trip there in a little over a month.

I watched the first episode of QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER NINE CHILDREN. 
and then the first episode of MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE

Both are excellent!   Then I watched the second episode of ALL THINGS GREAT AND SMALL.  WOW!  Sunday nights on PBS are great!  


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