I got to church early in order to save a seat for Myrna. She came with one of her granddaughters. The sermon was good this morning. There were more people there than we have been getting at the eleven a.m. service.
After lunch, I met up with Betty at Outwater Park and we walked for about a half hour. I tried to reach Connie by phone, since we have been playing phone tag for a couple of days. She did not answer.
Connie called in the evening and we talked for a few minutes. I settled in to watch my Sunday night PBS shows. QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER NINE CHILDREN, MISS SCARLETT and THE DUKE, and ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL.
Peg called and we talked for a bit. She wants me to go through her tourist information for Hilton Head. I agreed. I invited her and David over for a turkey dinner next Saturday. That will be an incentive for me to get the house in order in the meantime. Actually, I already started! I moved Mary Anne's floor lamp from the family room (where it was not in a usable spot, anyways) to the living room and put a different glass globe shade on it. I need to start looking for some of the large and small globes in different colors for the four antique lamps Mary Anne gave me. I will be happy when I feel more comfortable going shopping than I do now.
Plans for tomorrow. TRY to get hold of someone at the health department so I can schedule an appointment for a COVID immunization, and do housework. Call Pam and remind her of Tuesday's Life Group.
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