Sunday, January 31, 2021


The sermon at FREEDOM SOUTH was excellent!  When I got home, Carol K. called to tell me that last night around midnight (EST) she thought she was chatting privately with me on facebook, but after  a couple of minutes, she realized that it was not me. 

I had leftover turkey, stuffing and gravy for lunch.

I had just laid down to try to get a nap wh

en the phone rang, and it was Christa and Nikolai.  They were concerned because I have been hacked twice on Facebook over the past few weeks.  They suggested that I first change my password for my primary email account and then change it on facebook and then change it on every site I use.   Soooooooooooooooooo  I started that process.  It actually went fairly quickly and easily.

I watched four hours of PBS in the evening,   QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER CHILDREN, ALL CREATURES LARGE AND SMALL, MISS SCARLETT AND THE DUKE and the first episode of THE LONG SONG.  


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