Thursday, January 7th, 2021 SEVENTH DAY HIKE

I had an opportunity to try out my new YAKTRAX (ice traction devices that connect to the bottom of shoes or boots).    Peg picked me up and we went to the Town of Lockport Nature Trails on Slayton Settlement Road.  We had a nice long hike, about two miles.  We saw some rock art !

Toennison Falls was especially beautiful today. 

We halfheartedly looked for two geocaches, but really could not figure out good ways to get to them, since they appeared to be deep in the woods with LOTS of brush, etc. in the way.  We ran into Wayne and Sharon Dent, and talked to them for a few minutes.  I was happy with my YAKTRAX, once I started walking I didn't even feel them.  Of course, I didn't give them a full work out since these trails are flat and  well maintained.  I am just going to leave them on my winter boots for now.  I need to get a new pair of hiking boots for when warmer weather gets here.  I will probably try the LOCKPORT OUTDOOR STORE first, since Paula got a pair of Merrill boots there that she really likes.

  When we got back to Lockport, Peg dropped me off at Niagara Produce, and I went in and made a purchase and then walked to the library to meet up with her.  

Betty called and wants to go hiking on Saturday if the weather permits.  She is mainly concerned about wind.  I watched the show about Maya Angelou on PBS ON DEMAND.  I read her book I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS several years ago.  I still find it hard to believe that a three year old and a four year old were put on a train ALONE and sent to another state.  Apparently, this was acceptable at the time.  

Peg called.   We talked some about being hopeful that our trip (David, Peggy and I) to South Carolina the end of February will really materialize, with COVID being a concern.  She is going to start looking for lodging soon.  We will probably have a two bedroom, two bathroom condo.  We may drive my Subaru instead of their Murano. I am so hoping that this will work out.  I had two short trips in 2020 with Leslie (one night in East Avon in June and several nights in Mikes cabin in either September or October).    I am itching to HIT THE ROAD!!!!! 


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